Town of Frye Island, Maine


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Town Meeting

Web Cameras 

Winter Web Cameras



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Island Opening 2024

Status-The island opened as scheduled on Friday 4/26.  Please be aware that there is still work being done to recover from the winter storm in early April.  For more information please see the townwide emails sent to residents.  If you are a resident and are not receiving official email notifications, please email

Ferry FaresThe ferry price revisions approved at last September’s Annual Meeting will not be in effect for island opening on Friday.  We anticipate that the change-over will occur during the next few weeks, when development and testing of the new system is expected to be finished.  This means that ticket prices and the fare schedule in effect at the beginning of this season will temporarily remain as they were at the end of last season.  

Ticket purchases through the ferry accounts portal will be re-enabled on Thursday, April 25.   Please be aware that ticket purchases made during this interim period should be limited to only those needed for immediate use.  Any tickets outstanding at the time of the change to the new fare schedule will be retired, with the purchase price refunded to the issuing account.  We’ll provide notice in advance of when the pricing change will go into effect to minimize any inconvenience or confusion.

2024 Brown Tail Moth Information (4/30/24)
Spraying for Browntail Moth along public roads and public/private property concluded last Friday (4/26). If you opted in for assessment and your property was found to have BTM you were contacted directly by Pine State, and additionally by the town if no response was given. Thank you to all who responded. Email for any questions.  Detailed information can be found on the BTM info page.

Private Mooring Registrations (4/9/24)
Email notices for renewals have been sent.  $65 mooring fee payment is due by 5/11/24.  Details can be found on the harbormaster webpage.

Community Center Renovations:
Donations are being requested for the next phase of the project which includes new windows and doors, access control, lighting, siding, and balcony renovation.  Full Update.

Web Cameras:
Some of the web cameras are not functioning they will be restored as soon as they can during the coming weeks.

Fireworks for 2024 will be on Saturday, July 6th. 


BOS-ExComm Agenda for Wednesday, May 15th, 2024
Attached is the Agenda and the SAD 6 Presentation, Golf Cart Ordinance Draft Resolution and the ATV Ordinance Draft Resolution for the posted BOS-ExComm meeting on Wednesday, May 15th 7:00 PM.

FINS for May 10th, 2024
The first FINS for this week has been published.  You can find this by clicking the following link: FINS. 

FINS for May 3rd, 2024
The first FINS of the season has been published.  You can find this by clicking the following link: FINS.

MSAD 6 Board of Director's Meeting
The MSAD 6 Board of Director's will be holding a meeting on Monday, May 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM in the Central Office Meeting room in Buxton. Here is the Agenda.

BOS-ExComm Agenda for Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
Attached is the Agenda for the posted BOS-ExComm meeting on Wednesday, May 1st 7:00 PM.